Safe Usage of Trolleys and Sack Trucks

It is very important to take great care when lifting, moving or carrying heavy objects.

This is extra important if the goods or objects you are carrying are causing you to move in an unnatural way. Remember, if there is a trolley or sack truck to hand, always avoid any manual handling.

Using any trolley, sack truck or carrying aid is always the better alternative to causing your body harm or injury.

Here are a few basic points to remember when carrying any load.

Always first examine the load you are to be carrying to ensure you or your moving equipment can manage the weight. Do not be embarrassed to ask for help or simply split the load into two manageable trips.

You must also examine and inspect your sack trolley wheels and sack truck wheels to ensure they are in a safe working condition.

Make sure to be in control of the load you’re carrying and never allow the load to control your movement.

Ensure that all your PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) i.e. safety hats, gloves, steel toe capped boots etc. is up to date, safe to use and show no signs of wear and tear.

If you can use any type of handling aid such as sack barrows, trolleys, sack trucks, trolley trucks etc. to minimize carrying distances, then do so.

Where possible, avoid lifting loads up and down any flights of stairs.

Should you need to exit out of any doors or small pathways, do not hesitate to call for aid, even if it is just for someone to open the doors for you.

Always avoid creating larger loads than necessary if carrying a few more smaller loads is the safer alternative.

When packing boxes, goods or any other objects onto your trolleys, check the objects for any indication of their weight. If no weight information is provided, then you must manually test the load to see if you can safely maneuver it.

Some work places do not have any sack trucks and trolleys readily available to staff.

This can be particularly dangerous in workshops where workers are moving boxes, loads and objects on a daily basis.

If you find yourself moving heavy loads throughout the day and are worried about sustaining an injury, it is important to contact and raise a health and safety issue with management or a senior member of staff.

The sack truck is an important asset in almost any working situation and is available to buy for a fairly cheap price.

Every year more than 35% of all worksite injuries are a result of manual handling. This generally covers injuries sustained by supporting weight and transporting loads by hand.

Please use common sense when transporting or moving any heavy goods and objects and above all, be safe!
