Treatment Options For Thyroid Cancer

New York; Nov 6, 2015: Thyroid cancer treatments are provided by a multidisciplinary team of which URL is This team comprises of different types of doctors and they work together to create the overall treatment of cancer patients and combine different types of treatment plans. A variety of other healthcare professionals are also included in cancer care teams. They include physician assistants, pharmacists, social workers, oncology nurses, dietitians, counselors, and others. For the treatment of thyroid cancer, this team may also include medical oncologist, surgeon, endocrinologist, and radiation oncologist. Endocrinologist is a doctor who specializes in problems with glands, hormones, and endocrine system.

Thyroid cancer can be treated by using one or a combination of treatment options, which depend on several factors such as:

* Type and stage of cancer
* Preferences of patients
* Possible side effects
* Overall health of patients


Surgery is the medical removal of tumor and some healthy tissues surrounding to the tumor. Resection is the other name of surgery. This is the major treatment for patients with thyroid cancer. Common surgical options depend on the size of nodule include:

* Total thyroidectomy (Removal of entire thyroid gland)
* Lobectomy (Removal of the lobe of gland with cancerous nodule)
* Near-total Thyroidectomy (Removal of thyroid gland except for a small part)

Conventional thyroidectomy, robotic thyroidectomy and endoscopic thyroidectomy are the different surgical techniques used for thyroidectomy. All these surgical options are not suitable for all patients.

Hormone Treatment

Thyroid hormone therapy is required for patients who are treated with surgery for follicular, papillary and medullary thyroid cancer. Besides replacing hormone, thyroid hormone medication helps to reduce the growth of any remaining differentiated cancer cells. Hyperthyroidism can cause weight loss, rapid heart rate, chest pain, diarrhea, cramps, irregular heartbeat, sweats, osteoporosis, bone loss or a feeling of being hot. Hypothyroidism causes fatigue, dry skin, weight gain and a feeling of being cold. These problems can be treated by using thyroid hormones.

Radioactive Iodine 131 Therapy

Thyroid absorbs almost all iodine, which enters in your body. So, radioiodine or radioactive iodine therapy is used for destroying thyroid cells. Usually, radiation oncologists perform this therapy. This treatment option is recommended for patients with follicular and papillary types.

External-beam Radiation Therapy

This is the other type of radiation therapy. In this therapy, high-energy x-rays are given to the body to destroy cancer cells. Usually, the external-beam radiation therapy regimen consists of specific number of treatments. For thyroid cancer, this therapy is used only in certain circumstances. Usually, radiation therapy is given after surgery.


In chemotherapy, some drugs are used for destroying cancer cells. Medical oncologist performs chemotherapy. Patient may receive one drug at a time or combinations of different drugs.

Cancer treatments are not free from side effects. Besides eliminating, stopping or slowing cancer, the cancer care also aims to provide relief from side effects and symptoms. This process is called supportive or palliative care. It includes supporting patients with their emotional, physical and social needs.

Recovery from thyroid cancer is not possible always. If the cancer is not controlled or cured, it is called advanced or terminal. Diagnosing advanced cancer is stressful to patients. However, it is important to make honest and open conversation with patients. So, they get opportunities to express their feelings, concerns and preferences to the healthcare team. The team members have special skills, knowledge and experience to support patients and their families. It is important to make patients free from pain and physically comfortable.
